Thursday, February 23, 2012


PATCH reports:

After months of listening to school administration explain and answer questions about proposed changes to middle school and high school class levels, the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education finally got down to the business of discussing the proposals at Wednesday night's meeting. The board will take official action on the proposals at its regular March 5 meeting.
A proposal to reduce the number of levels in the middle schools and phase in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme was introduced in December. Then, a proposal torestructure levels at Columbia High School was unveiled in January. Subsequently, three public meetings — for which questions were pre-submitted as well as taken from index cards filled out by audience members — were held in December, January and February. [Read about the meetings herehere and here.]
On Wednesday, the majority of the BOE signaled support for both proposals. Board President Beth Daugherty said that she “personally thinks this is the right time to move forward” with the proposals. 

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