Tuesday, July 17, 2012


On an issue first reported here Monday, the proposal by the Township Committee to potentially fine property owners for litter on the sidewalks and gutters in front of their property, it is tough not to seek an effort to keep Maplewood clean.

Current laws, of course, ban littering in the first place. But these clearly focus on those who engage in littering, not the owners of the land upon which the litter is dropped, who may well be victims.

However, one can see that it is easier to blame and possibly fine the owners of land where litter is found because you often do not see who has engaged in dropping the litter.

The fines proposed start at $100 for the first offense and grow to $500 for the third offense. Quite hefty. One wonders if people will have to police their sidewalks and gutters all day long. Likely not as the police and TC officials would seek to enforce such a law only if litter is unattended for days.

Similar to the snow shoveling law that requires landowners to remove snow from public sidewalks in front of their homes within 12 daylight hours of the snow ending.

I asked each TC member why this has come up at this time and have yet to receive an answer. Is it to raise money or clean up the township?

Still, it is another burden homeowners in town who already pay ridiculous property taxes and must keep up their homes need not bear. To those who would litter, perhaps this will be another incentive to hold on to that empty cup or trash piece of paper until you reach a garbage can.

If you want to weigh in on this or ask questions, go to tonight's TC meeting at 7:30 at the Police Complex on Springfield Ave.

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