Tuesday, June 25, 2013


From Maplewood Middle School principal Jeff Truppo:

Maplewood Middle School

Jeffrey Truppo                                                                     

Dear Maplewood Middle School Community Member,

On behalf of the entire Maplewood Middle School staff, I want to acknowledge and thank you for your continued support of our school community.  I don’t think we as adults always appreciate the impact community and family contributions to a school can have on students.  In addition to the impact of the actual contribution, be it funds for field trips, supplies for classrooms, and special events that bring our school together, the spirit of the involvement reinforces the message we want all our students to embody, that of contributing to their community.  I really believe that students leave MMS after 8th grade realizing that their community contributed to their middle school experience.  

In addition to acknowledging the support our community has provided, I would like to use this end of the year communication to ask for feedback about our school.  I realize you have been asked to fill out a survey sent from the district office, and with it comment on aspects of our school.  However, as part of a year-long effort to create a climate of respect at MMS, we are seeking your input on a more granular level, specifically, our anti-bullying efforts.  Following this paragraph are two links to surveys, one for parents to complete and one for students.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey, and ask your child to do the same.  The results of these surveys are completely confidential.  We hope that you will share your views.  The data collected will be used to formulate a plan for our anti-bullying efforts in the coming year.

MMS Parent Survey

MMS Student survey

I would also ask you to join me on Twitter @principalofmms

I am going to use Twitter for short and frequent updates about happenings at MMS.  This summer I’ll update when the school supply lists have been posted on our webpage, and when letters are mailed in August with opening day information.  I’m also hoping to send you updates on the progress of our new science wing, which should see steel erected in the next few weeks.  Most importantly, I think that this format will allow me to communicate information to you quickly during the school year.  While I hope I don’t have to use it for the purposes of school closings due to power outages, it can be an important mode of communication in the event of emergencies.   

For those of you that are leaving MMS, I wish you and your family the best in your future endeavors.  For those of you returning, or joining us in grade 6, I look forward to seeing you in September.  Enjoy your summer. 

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