Thursday, September 26, 2013

MAPLEWOOD'S HOUSE CALL DENTIST reports on Maplewood's own Dr. Stuart Rubin, who has an office here, but also makes house calls.

See below:

Stuart Rubin’s dental office fits into 10 carefully stocked plastic bins that are strapped to a metal trolley as needed and wheeled from his SUV to a patient’s front door.

His daughter, Lindsay, also a dentist, has her own portable office, set up exactly the same way. There are two more mobile offices used by three other dentists who work with them.

"I have it very well organized," says Lindsay Rubin, who has packed each bin with the tools needed for procedures ranging from routine cleanings to fillings or extractions, and even X-rays. Every tool is in its place, so that any dentist using the equipment can find what is needed with ease.

The Rubins have a traditional dental office in Maplewood, but for their Dental Home Services practice, they travel with mobile equipment that enables them to perform every procedure imaginable in a patient’s living room, bedroom or dining room. "We can adapt to every situation," Stuart Rubin says. With the help of laptop computers, iPads and smart phones, they have access to patients medical records, instant X-rays and more in home settings. Working on patients who are sometimes in wheelchairs or hospital beds, they fix broken incisors, remove or crown compromised molars, make molds for dentures or fix them.

Read more HERE.

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