Monday, September 23, 2013


From Maplewood Police today:

The Maplewood Police Department is actively investigating 
a purported debt management company called “TGC Movement” 
with a business office located at 1980 Springfield Ave, allegedly 
involved in a scheme to defraud clients with promises 
to reduce their debt by 35 percent for a nominal fee.  
The department has received in excess of twenty complaints 
reporting that the proprietor of the company, Mr. Germaine 
Theodore, has taken money in advance, from clients in 
exchange for a promise to settle their debt without actually 
making payments to creditors and other debt holders. 
The Maplewood Police Department is urging citizens to report 
any interaction they may have had with “TGC Movement” or its 
proprietor Mr. Germaine Theodore indicating suspicious or 
fraudulent activity. 
The Maplewood Police Department has been in contact with 
the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office and Attorney General’s 
Office concerning this investigation. 
In addition, the Newark Star Ledger’s Karin Price Mueller, 
who writes a column called “Bamboozled,” has written 
a piece on the matter in the Monday, September 23, 2013 
Business Section.

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