Sunday, September 1, 2013


Well, Saturday was the annual right of passage for South Orange-Maplewood school kids, the letter telling youngsters who their new teachers will be.

It has been interesting the mix of messages kids get in these letters. My children at Tuscan have received wonderful personalized notes from some teachers, while other were basic business-like letters.

Now I am sure Superintendent Brian Osborne is bracing for a week of parents wanting to switch their children to other classes.

A note of advice, teach children to accept the teacher they have and learn to work with that person. Also, do not go by some reputation some teachers may have as being mean or tough. Judge them on their own and your own child's relationship with them.

A good lesson to teach children at a young age.


  1. Wise words, Joe. Nasty moms working the system is one of the reasons we lost leveling, which was sound in theory but not in practice, at least here.
