Thursday, October 3, 2013


This notice sent to Tuscan parents via email Wednesday:

Dear Tuscan Families,
This afternoon Tuscan School was briefly evacuated due to a reported odor of gas in our outdoor courtyard on the ground floor. The Maplewood Fire Department and PSE&G were immediately notified and quickly responded.

The Maplewood Fire Department and PSE&G assessed the situation and determined that the building was safe for students and staff.

Upon our return the odor had dissipated.  Aside from this short evacuation at Tuscan, we continued our normal routine school day.

Please know that, The Maplewood Fire Department and PSE&G both assured us that the odor did not pose any danger to students or staff.

We are grateful for the immediate attention that we received from the Maplewood Fire Department and we appreciate PSE&G for their quick response and assistance in this matter.

Malikah Tamar Majeed

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