Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Township officials gave an earful to Daibes Gas, the company that has been slated to develop the small lot at Springfield Ave. and Burnett Ave. across from Walgreens, on Tuesday night, demanding they settle some delays and get the site approved or face a shutdown of the project.

Daibes Gas,. which was chosen in 2010 to develop the former auto shop site, has failed to receive the proper building permits after breaking ground on the land in January.

A company official and his lawyer spoke to the Township Committee, which had been ready to cancel the project and allow someone else to come in. Daibes said back taxes had just been paid, but the developer was having trouble obtaining access to some adjacent property needed to be changed to allow the project go forth.

The project, at 1611 Springfield Ave., was slated to have more than 5,700 square feet of retail on the first floor, along with six apartment units on a seocnd floor. 

But TC members led by Mayor De Luca, showed frustration that the project was being delayed and voted to give the developer until Nov. 4 to obtain the permits or see the land taken under eminent domain and put out for bid for a new project. "We don't want to be played, " the mayor said.

See video below of much of the exchange as a great example of how the TC pushes for the best deal and makes sure developers do what is needed.

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