Wednesday, June 25, 2014


From CHS Principal Kirk Smith:

June 16, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians:

The 2013-14 school year is rapidly coming to a close and I would like to take a moment to thank you for the support that you have shown to our high school.   

It has been an honor to have one more year working with “my children”.  I have always viewed my position as a parent first and a Principal/Educator second.  I like to think that I have treated my CHS children the same way that I wanted my own children treated in their high school.  I have only 8 school days to continue being a “School Dad” and I need the help of the Moms and Dads to make sure our children continue on the right path to success and happiness.

Final Exams are a very stressful time in students’ lives.  They feel so much pressure and feel that there is not enough time to study and prepare.  Please take the time to reassure them that they have studied all year long and just do the best that you can and things will work out.  There is a trend nationwide for students to use prescription medications to stay focused and study longer.  Some students have a medical need for such medications; however, please monitor their usage and make sure that they are not over medicating themselves.  Emphasize to them that personal medication is only for them and should not be shared with friends to extend studying hours.  All students should get the maximum rest the old fashion way by going to bed on time and eating the proper foods.

I also want to bring to your attention that many students plan on celebrating when exams are finished.  Celebrations are a good thing as long as students know where the lines are drawn and they use good judgment.  History has shown us that many students can make the wrong choices when “letting loose”.  Underage drinking and the use of recreational drugs are two areas that we must all discuss with our children as they attain new freedoms that come with being a high school graduate.

I especially extend these concerns to my graduating students who have plans for after prom and graduation activities.  I hope that the seniors have signed up for midnight madness to enjoy a final send off with their friends from school in a safe and secure environment.  I guess you can tell that I cannot stop being a parent.  Your sons and daughters are my children and they must always know that we will look out for them even when they prefer us to leave them alone.

Thank you for sharing with me the best sons and daughters that I could ever ask for and take a moment to congratulate yourselves on a job well done.


Kirk E. Smith
Kirk E. Smith Principal

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