Saturday, September 6, 2014


From Interim Maplewood Middle School Principal Louis Brown Friday:

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today we were excited to welcome our 8th graders back to Maplewood Middle 
School.  After receiving their schedules and lockers, the students were quickly 
into their new routine.  Our fantastic teachers involved the students in 
learning right from the start.

At lunch time our eighth graders were able to enjoy the additional space and 
brightness of the expansion to our cafeteria.  Most importantly, the eighth 
grade began their first day of thinking and learning in their last year of 
middle school.

The students had their first day of the new elective program. Although we were 
not able to give students all of their choices, We have worked hard to guarantee 
that all students received at least one of their choices. 

I wish everyone a restful weekend.  We are all looking forward to a meaningful, 
and hopefully cooler, first full week of school.


Louis E. Brown
Interim Principal

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