Wednesday, April 15, 2015


From the College Hill Neighborhood Association tonight:

College Hill Alert - important! Around 7:15PM this evening there was an attempted break-in via a front window at house in the area of Oberlin and Harvard. Fortunately the alarm went off and the perpetrator was scared away. Please, please be vigilant - if you see something (anything) call the police. The police have made it clear that you should call if in doubt.  You are not being a bother if you call.  That call could solve a crime. 

If you saw something off this evening, please alert the police department (non-emergency number: (973) 762-3400, use 911 for crimes in progress 
(including a fleeing suspect) or other incidents when time is 
of the essence)

Anything no matter how small could be a big lead. 

Be sure to lock up and use an alarm if you have one. 

Remember the police department can conduct property surveys and provide safety recommendations for improvements. Sadly this is the time of year when crimes of this nature pick up.   

Thank you to the neighbor who shared this unfortunate news.   The more we keep a strong community and share information, the more we can keep problems at bay.  Please send positive thoughts to the homeowner who is undoubtedly feeling uneasy right now.