Thursday, April 2, 2015


We first told you last month about Board of Education plans to eliminate the weekly foreign language classes at elementary schools in a money-saving move.

The opposition has been swift, from parents speaking out at school board meetings to letters of complaint.

The latest is an online petition opposing the move, which seeks 100 names and currently boasts 55.

It says:

We understand that you voted recently on a top-line budget number that was presented to the state but that the specific line items of the budget, including FTEs, are not yet "set in stone." 

We, the undersigned, would therefore like to take this opportunity to strongly urge you to reject the proposed removal of World Language from the District’s elementary schools. We understand that times are tough and that we need to make hard choices. We truly believe, however, that by eliminating an entire category of education, we are seriously narrowing the range of our young children’s experience just when we are working so hard to expand it. A foreign language is no less a window on the world than art or music. 

Removing it wholesale will do serious damage to our claims to being a top school district, especially by undermining our reputation as a champion of diversity in all its forms.

See it HERE.

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