Saturday, April 4, 2015



The Intersection of Collage and Encaustic 

This exhibit features combinations of images, made to tell stories. Collages usually are made of repurposed paper objects; encaustics use wax as a paint. The combination of the two adds a level of depth to the images. Some of the entries are solely collages; others are a combination of the two media. They all have a very personal brand of story telling.

Curator, and life long artist Liz Demaree has been in numerous juried exhibitions, and is a founding member of the Book Arts Roundtable, allied with the Pierro Gallery in South Orange. Many of her works of art are in collections, both private and public, including William Paterson University, Montclair State University and Arkansas University. Recent shows include the Westfield Historical Society, “Home” at St. Elizabeth College, and The Metro Show at City Without Walls.
Liz Mitchell : "One True Trilobite"
17" x 18.5"

Francesca Azzara : "Scorched Landscape"
10" x 10"

Liz Demaree : "Elena Looks Back on Her Childhood"
8" x 8"
Mixed media

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