Sunday, April 5, 2015


We have to offer some kudos to developers at JMF Construction for the re-tooled design for their Maplewood Village Post Office site retail/housing complex.

The new plan, released this past week, offers a better design and visual approach that appears to work with the village atmosphere better than the previous version. It is also less intrusive with three stories instead of four.

We still wonder why they are getting such a big tax break for five years, and question the viability of retail shops and the impact of 20 new apartments on the village.

Can we demand more tax revenue? The township this week released the expected tax benefit during the next few years at $678,000, which is definitely more than the zero taxes annually the site brought in from lease to the post office.

And with a likely net profit of $935,000 from the land sale, revenue is good.

But this is a prime piece of space in our township's jewel area. Let's keep an eye on how it continues and do not put off other options for using the space and building.

We have been looking at some great examples in other communities in which old post offices were re-used for other needs, Princeton among them. 

This building can be used without demolishing it for a new space if it is handled correctly. The key is not to rush into anything since there really is no need to.

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