Tuesday, April 7, 2015


New lawn sign campaign
As the Township Committee tonight plans to give further approvals for the developers of the Maplewood Post Office site, and a tax exemption, opponents are pulling out the big guns.

Well, the lawn signs, that is.

Former Mayor Fred Profeta, one of the leaders against the planned retail/housing project, issued this notice and announced a lawn sign campaign.

Calling all Maplewoodians upset by the plans for demolition of the existing post office building and construction of a 50 foot industrial style structure in its place!! Now you can express your opposition to this Township Committee proposal by placing a lawn sign on your property and getting your friends and neighbors to do so too. 

This sign has been designed and paid for by The Village Keepers, Inc., a new New Jersey non-profit dedicated to preserving the charm of Maplewood Village. Dirk Olin is the Chair of this organization. But if you want a sign, you may sign up for it here. Please also provide your address, and I will pass the information on to Dirk and his group. 

Remember how effective the "No Dam" signs were? I expect no less from this "Keep the Village a Village" effort. Please share this message with your friends.

More HERE.

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