Monday, April 13, 2015


Ever since the Board of Education named John Ramos as the new superintendent last month, residents have wondered how many applicants submitted their names, how many were interviewed, and who they were.

We asked for that information and received this response from the district:

Hazard, Young, and Attea (HYA), the firm hired to oversee the search process, considered 68 potential candidates.  HYA screened and interviewed those who best fit the Leadership Profile which had been developed through 21 sessions and community forums held between June and October 2014.  18 candidates were presented to the Board of Education for consideration and of those, 7 candidates had face-to-face interviews, with 3 having multiple interviews.

The names of the candidates are not available. Under the OPRA, certain records are exempt from disclosure.  Executive Order No. 26 (McGreevey 2002) controls your request, and states in full as follows:

2) Resumes, applications for employment or other information concerning job applicants while a recruitment search is ongoing. The resumes of successful candidates shall be disclosed once the successful candidate is hired. The resumes of unsuccessful candidates may be disclosed after the search has been concluded and the position has been filled, but only where the unsuccessful candidate has consented to such disclosure.

Ramos visited the district this week and spoke with on Wednesday.

Hear that interview HERE. Ramos starts in August.

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