Thursday, May 7, 2015



NEWARK — After a back-and-forth between students and school administrators that lasted several months, Essex County College has raised its tuition.

The increase – which comes in at $8 per credit – is the first tuition hike the school has implemented in five years. Starting next school year, the tuition rate will be raised from $108.50 per credit to $116.50, school officials said this week.

"The tuition increase will provide the additional revenue the college needs to offer quality student services, accommodate operational expenses and meet its contractual obligations," Calvin Souder, Chairman of the school's Board of Trustees, said in a statement.

The decision comes after months of heated opposition from student groups who said the college was initially considering a 20 percent increase, which they argued would render attendance impossible for a large number of current students. Though the college did not confirm any potential increases it was considering, student activists say the $8 bump is a compromise.optional

Read the rest HERE.

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