Sunday, May 10, 2015


Exhibitor’s Co-op Will Show “Negatively Positive” Works at 1978 Gallery 

“Negatively Positive” is a contradiction in terms offering all kinds of creative possibilities. It suggests conflict and contradiction and can open up a visual dialogue about how we process the world. Left to interpretation it can bring the exploration of spatial variations or the search for a deeper more personal discovery.
Artists are always looking for new ways to give meaning to what they already know. Creating work for “Negatively Positive” has stretched them to dig deeper and question what they take for granted. 

Exhibitor's Co-op is a New Jersey-based group of artists meeting weekly in South Orange to critique each other's work and present exhibitions. Founder and leader Barbara Minch says "My aim was to create a forum to share art ideas and information and to support each other’s creative expression. Over the years, Exhibitors' Co-op has evolved into a thriving community of talented individuals, working in their own diverse styles." 

Group exhibits are curated throughout the year in New York and New Jersey galleries and museums. Corporate clients, including Nabisco, Johnson and Johnson, ADP, Merrill Lynch and Pfizer have also hosted shows, and some have purchased work for inclusion in their private collections. 

Member artists have enjoyed individual success with New York City gallery exhibits, commissions and been accepted into national and international juried shows. Many have won awards and some have been published as book illustrators and in art books.
"The excitement each week comes from sharing members’ successes. It may be that someone has made a sale, received an award or is to be featured in a national art magazine. 

Or it may be that someone has made a breakthrough on a problem piece, or has mastered a new medium." 

Negatively Positive will be on exhibit at 1978 Gallery from April 25th to May 31st 

An opening Reception will be held on May 3rd from 2 to 5pm
1978 Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 2-5pm. For more information, visit

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