Monday, May 11, 2015


A new school district dress code that includes tight limits on expression on t-shirts and other limitations was released Monday.

The code followed complaints from some that middle school girls were being single out for some clothing, including short shorts, and headwear was being restricted.

This version appears to have less of that, but still disallows any clothing that expresses views "with offensive messages that reference sex, violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, gang affiliations, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc., and that have the effect of substantially and materially interfering with the school program."

See the new code below:

South Orange Maplewood School District


At all of our District Schools, we expect all students and staff to dress appropriately for the educational and professional community we are.

Students are not permitted to wear clothing with offensive messages that reference sex, violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, gang affiliations, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc., and that have the effect of substantially and materially interfering with the school program.

Underwear must not be visible.

Clothing and undergarments should cover skin as appropriate for a school and professional setting. All tops should have straps.

See-through clothing is prohibited.

Shoes that increase the likelihood of accidents and injury should not be worn.

Sunshades or any dark glasses should not be worn unless they are prescribed for medical reasons and a doctor’s note is on file in the medical office.

Chains or jewelry with sharp projections should not be worn.

Headgear, including hats, scarves, do-rags and headbands is not permitted to be worn, except for religious or medical reasons. In instances where students wear headgear for religious reasons, a letter from a parent or guardian requesting exception to policy must be presented to the school administration at the beginning of the school year.


Students who violate this dress code will be asked to change their clothing as needed with parental or school assistance and with every effort to minimize loss of instructional time and any embarrassment to students. In the event of repeated violations, students, parents/guardians, and school administration will meet to remedy the situation.

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