Friday, May 8, 2015


Service Animal Advocate Leah B. Levine reached out to the Township Committee on Tuesday to advise them that she was denied access to two Maplewood Village businesses with her dog, Linus, who joined her at the meeting.

Levine, who is founder of Animals at Work, a non-profit group, urged the TC and township officials to remind businesses that service dogs are not only allowed in by law, but are also used for many purposes beyond helping the blind and elderly. 

She explained how many people use them to help deal with a variety of emotional and mental difficulties. Health Officer Robert Roe said he would seek to advise shops in town that they cannot legally bar service dogs. Several TC members also apologized to Levine for her difficulties in town.

See her plea below:

Levine also gave the Township signs similar to the one below and asked that they be distributed to shop owners so they know the rights of service dog owners.

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