Friday, May 1, 2015


From Maplewood Police:

At 8:15 a.m. yesterday there was a bicycle vs car collision at the intersection of Parker Ave and Kensington Ter. 

The vehicle was traveling West on Parker Ave and it appears the 16 year old female bicyclist was traveling North on Kensington Ter and did not stop. 

The bicycle/bicyclist collided with the front 1/4 panel of the vehicle. 

The juvenile was transported to University Hospital for evaluation of a lower leg injury. It is unknown if it was just a soft tissue injury or a fracture at this time.

Columbia High School principal Elizabeth Aaron also sent this letter to CHS students and parents Thursday:

Good afternoon, Columbia community,

As you may have heard from your student this morning, one of our students was injured in an accident while riding her bike to school. Our school administrators, teachers, nurses, security staff, and Maplewood Police and Fire managed the scene smoothly and the student received immediate attention. 

We do take this very important opportunity to remind you that Parker and Valley Streets, Kensington Terrace, Academy Street, and North Terrace are very busy both at the 7:20 and 8:15 drop offs. Please use all care while driving, and please impress upon your students the importance of being aware of their surroundings. 

The need for adult and teen drivers, walkers, skateboarders, and bikers to remember the role that helmets, paying attention to cars and crosswalks, using the good sense to not look at a phone or iPod screen while crossing streets, and being aware of the state law for drivers to stop for pedestrians in cross walks are steps we should all be taking to make sure all of our students are safe coming to and from school. 

Please also remember that we ask that you NOT enter into our parking lots to drop off students. Please drop them safely along the curb.

The intersection of North/Academy and Parker have a police presence in the mornings. The intersection of Valley and Parker has a crossing guard. 

Thank you for remembering these things and working with us to keep us all safe. 

Best regards, Elizabeth Aaron

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