Tuesday, May 3, 2016


The Board of Education on Monday night adopted a  $125 million school budget for 2016-2017, which includes 15 staff cuts, 11 of them teachers.

The board voted, 7-2, on the budget, which included $111 million to be raised from property taxes that will increase the average Maplewood homeowner's tax bill by $226. Board members Johanna Wright and Donna Smith voted no.

Among the staff cuts are 14 positions at Columbia High School, nine of them teachers. Those CHS teacher cuts include two science teachers, two math teachers, two language teachers, and one teacher each in English language arts, social studies, and physical education.

But the biggest hit for many is the loss of two librarian/media specialists, one from the middle schools and one from the high school.


  1. Once again, the Library staff gets cut. The Librarians are the *only* teachers in the entire district who meet with EVERYONE in the school. Yes, the gym and lunchroom gets 'everyone' inside their spots, but different teachers do the Phys. Ed. and Cafeteria does not give instruction. However, the Libraries are always treated as an 'extra' despite their facility and instruction that enhances ALL subjects and interests. How improper it is for the Bd of Ed to cut the staff and budget of the Libraries. Yes, it is easily done but only serves to cause a deeper lack of instructional impact upon the entire school. Real shame. SOMSD will eventually realize this was/will be a mistake for all of the school community. Time will tell and regrets will happen.
