Sunday, December 25, 2016


On this Christmas Day we once again post the message we offered last year, a take on the famed Yes Virginia editorial of more than 100 years ago

See it below:

Many know the famed New York Sun editorial from 1897 that answers a little girl's question: Is there a Santa Claus?

We offer our view from Maplewood for one little girl we know who might wonder some day.

Yes Ruby, there is a Santa Claus.

If you live in Maplewood, you see the signs of Santa Claus and holiday warmth everyday. Not just at Christmas, but year round. You see it in the kindness most in our town have for the poor, the sick, the troubled and those who are different.

Our little 24,000-population community is among the most welcoming to people of all races, classes and colors. Gay rights, equality, sharing, caring and unifying for causes abound.

Is that Santa Claus? Perhaps.

See how the Township offers support for residents with health care guidance, toy and food collections, free shows in the park, PTA's that raise and spend money on great events, and giving from the Rent Party fundraisers to Oysterfest and beyond.

Walk around town these past holiday weeks or at Halloween, July 4th (fireworks and concert), Thanksgiving, Memorial Day (duck races) and any block party weekend and the vitality of community gives Santa's message every day.

That message is not just for those who celebrate Christmas, but for all religions, or those with no religion. The feeling of giving, kindness, acceptance and joy.

Ruby, you see it in your school, your playgroups, your family, all of whom give an understanding and support that many towns lack.

Even when our community is at odds over things like a new post office development, school issues or which new stores should open, it's usually done with a real commitment to make the Maplewood they know better. No whiff of scandal or greed usually enters into any of it.

Being in New Jersey, a hotbed of political corruption at many levels, and near Newark and Irvington -- which have each had their share of jailed politicians -- Maplewood is the ultimate exception.

Mayor Vic Deluca has been a great mayor for many years, and will again in 2017. Even those who disagree with him know he is committed to our township. He knows his facts, politics and government details better than anyone at town hall.

And down the line through the township officials to the police on the street and DPW workers who plow our roads, little or no disruption has been found.

You see, Ruby, and Alexis, Liza, Julia, Emma, Emily, Danielle, Cloey, Katy, Ariel, Addie, Elle, Jo Jo and Cybele and any other girls out there who might wonder about Santa Claus, you live in a very special town. I think most of us know how unique Maplewood is, not just at Christmas, but all through the year.

Your parents, like us, might complain about taxes, loud neighbors, and the occasional government mistake. But few of us would be able to find a better place to live and find the openness, hospitality, and non-judgement that 07040 offers.

And if that is a form of Santa, I believe in him. And if you do not celebrate Christmas, there is a similar spirit of community for those who are Jewish, Muslim, or even atheist. It is the basic fairness and kinship of our town.

We saw it when Morrow Church opened its doors to a Syrian refugee family, or earlier this year with the Tibetan Monks took over the Woodland for a real spiritual awakening.

You see it in times of trouble such as post Hurricane Sandy when Highland Place and other downtown powered buildings welcomed residents at no charge who plugged in and went online for a week while power was out.

So if anyone tells you there is no Santa Claus, Ruby, you can tell them there is. And he lives right here in Maplewood. Maybe not in person, but in a spirit that is much stronger.

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