Thursday, April 14, 2011


It is bad enough that the South Orange Maplewood Education Association (SOMEA) is stonewalling contract talks for almost the past two years, and refusing to give more than their 1.5% payment for benefits.

Now they are taking it out on children.

They have been wearing those "I Am SOMEA" shirts to school often, and now refusing to decorate bulletin boards.

A look at Tuscan School today, and apparently other schools, finds the bulletin boards are empty and covered only with green paper, the color of the union's efforts.

This is unfair and short-sighted and takes it out on the kids they are supposed to help.

A source at the school district said the teachers are being misled by SOMEA, which is doing little to seek a real deal and give its portion of the hit we all are taking these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that there was a release signed by the parent of the child who's picture appears above. Let me see...SOMEA wears buttons and puts green paper on bulletin boards to make their point, Mr. Strupp uses actual children to make his. Who is unfair, short-sighted and taking it out on the kids he is supposed to help?