Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The controversial PARCC tests, which include a lengthy schedule of standardized testing for our students, includes an option allowing the students to opt out if their parents do not want them to take the tests.

But rather than allow then to be taught in regular classes during that time and actually engage in some learning, they will basically be kept in a room during the test periods.

They will not even be allowed to stay home where they might do something more productive.

In a letter to the district Monday, acting Superintendent James Memoli stated: 

       We ask you to have non-test taking students bring a book to keep them occupied during the hours of testing. They will remain in the classroom with the other students who are being tested. We cannot provide a separate space for non- testing students due to lack of personnel and space. 

(See the entire letter below)

The logic in this is amazingly misguided. And some school board members agreed, declaring at Monday night's board meeting that not only is it a waste of time for students not taking the test to be in school with nothing but a book, but it puts them in an unfair situation to potential ridicule.

In a related move, the board tabled a policy change that would have put its approval on the opt-out plan after noting their blessing is not needed.

See the full letter to parents below:

February 23, 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As you may know, this year New Jersey has mandated a new assessment for all public school districts to administer to students called the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC).  The PARCC will be administered in place of the NJASK for English Language Arts and Math in grades 3-11.  A FAQ is attached providing additional information about the PARCC, and SOMSD’s preparation to administer this state-mandated assessment. 

Our goal is to ensure that testing administration is stress-free, smooth and orderly. 
        The 2015 PARCC will have no academic consequences for students.  It will be used as baseline data only, and will not be used for academic placement.
        Testing will take place in March; the testing dates are on the attached calendar.  There will be a second round of PARCC testing in May.
        The testing time will vary from day to day, but all tests will be administered in the morning.    
        Students are encouraged to get a good night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and to arrive at school on time.

SOMSD recognizes that some families have concerns about their children participating in PARCC testing, and we have received some questions about what happens should a family refuse to allow their child/children to be tested.  We respect personal parental concerns about this assessment, while at the same time we are adhering to state regulations. This year, the state has left it up to local school districts to decide how to handle those situations in which parents choose to have their children refuse to take the standardized assessment. If you are planning to refuse to allow your son or daughter to take the test, please note the following:
        There will be no negative consequences or disciplinary action for any student who is not taking the assessment. 
        Please send an email or a letter to the building principal as soon as possible indicating that you are refusing to have your child take the PARCC test.  Please do not keep your child home from school. We are required to follow all attendance rules and regulations.
        If you choose to not have your child take the state test, one letter will suffice for a refusal of the Performance Based Assessment in March, including make-up testing. 
        Students must be on time for school regardless of whether or not they are participating in the testing.
        We ask you to have non-test taking students bring a book to keep them occupied during the hours of testing. They will remain in the classroom with the other students who are being tested. We cannot provide a separate space for non- testing students due to lack of personnel and space. 

There is additional information about PARCC on the district website www.somsd.k12.nj.us. 

Thank you for your partnership in helping SOMSD meet our state-mandate.  

James G. Memoli
Acting Superintendent                                                 


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