Friday, March 16, 2012


The vicious beating of a beloved St. Joseph's Church employee, who was attacked in the rectory's office after she discovered an intruder, has sparked an outpouring of support from parishioners and a call to action by church leaders to deal with the incident.

As the woman, whose name is being withheld by Maplewoodian for her protection, recuperates several notes have been sent to church members guiding them in dealing with the situation.

One email stated, in part:
Dear Parents,

We wanted you to know that on Sunday our catechists will be talking to your 
child's class about the incident here last Wednesday during which XXXXXX was 
injured by an intruder. It is clear that some of the children may have already 
heard about this. The catechists will keep details to a minimum and will 
reassure the children that they are safe. Please follow up at home.

If you have further concerns and wish to stay after dropping off your child, you 
are welcome to gather while they are in class. Classes will be making and 
sending get well cards. You are also welcome to bring in your own cards that we 
will forward for you.

Another added:
Dear Catechist Family,

     So many of you are asking about XXXX and wondering how you can help. She 
has asked me to thank everyone for their outpouring of concern and especially 
for your prayers. On Sunday, you may want to invite the children to sign a note 
 and we will have paper ready for each class or you may use a card of 
your own and we will collect and forward them.
     We will keep you updated, of course. XXXX came home from hospital last 
night after her initial evaluation and one temporary surgery.  However, the 
intruder did give her a severe beating, mostly to her face and head. She has 
multiple contusions, cuts and broken bones, and her jaw will be wired shut for 
four to six weeks.  This was a terrible, senseless attack.

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