Sunday, April 26, 2015


Learn about the history and current work of the Maplewood Fourth of July Committee today at the Ethical Culture Society of Maplewood. 

11 a.m., 516 Prospect St.

From the Ethical Culture website:
Howard Gilman, "Maplewood's July Fourth Celebration"
Maplewood's annual celebration, organized by the July Fourth Committee of the Maplewood Civic Association, promises a full day of family fun, a hometown community experience, featuring an old-fashioned circus and dazzling fireworks.Several of us at ESEC were there last year especially Lisa Novemsky, who made the children's percussion program possible.Over a century ago, July Fourth in Maplewood was celebrated with a town- wide picnic, a keynote speaker (usually a politician), athletic contests and barbecues. Citizens, generally in groupings by neighborhood, made their way to the picnic grounds. 

Informal processions gradually turned into elaborate parades with costumes and bands, becoming fierce (and expensive) competitions between neighborhoods.The July Fourth Committee was formed to unite the township activities. 

Eventually the Maplewood Civic Association was organized, encompassing the Committee and dedicated to a tradition of family-oriented July Fourth celebrations. Howard will describe his involvement with Maplewood's July Fourth committee, present a slide show introduction and discuss the history and process of what it takes to stage one of this community's favorite happenings. 

Howard resides in Maplewood with his wife Alice. See the Fourth's website, and on Facebook:

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