Monday, October 24, 2011


The Township and Waste Management are proposing a new garbage deal in which WM will have exclusive rights to garbage pick-up.

They claim it will save money with a per-bag charge. But beware, it also apparently includes a requirement to use larger WM bags.

Show up at the meeting tonight at 7 p.m. to find out and grill them good.

Maplewood Town Meeting on Garbage Collection Proposal

Maplewood Township Committee invites you to a Maplewood
Town Meeting for a presentation and community meeting to discuss
a proposal for the Township to enter into a single trash collection
contract and institute a "Pay As You Throw" disposal system. The
purpose of these changes would be to bring savings to each
household on collection costs, and allow households to also save money
by generating less waste and recycling more.
The Township wants to hear your views on these proposed changes.

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