Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Mayor Vic Deluca has not yet responded to my request for comment on the litter ordinance up for introduction tonight, but he did post this comment on MOL. For some reason he seeks to criticize my headline rather than give a straight defense of the ordinance.

Joe Strupp (Yalestreetman) once again has posted an inflammatory headline to serve his own interests.

Here is language of the ordinance:

1) No person shall sweep or deposit in any street gutter, street or other public place within the Township the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway.

Anybody disagree with the objective of not having someone sweep or dump their personal garbage or litter onto the public streets?

2) Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalks in front of their premises free of litter.

We are talking about keeping the sidewalk litter free not the street. The street is the responsibility of the town. The sidewalk is the responsibility of the property owner. Who disagrees with wanting to keep our sidewalks looking good since it is a reflection of our homes and neighborhoods?

The last section of the ordinance deals with business and commercial properties and requires sweeping or removing litter at least once per day. I think this will help with some of the drifting of litter onto residential properties.

The ordinance is scheduled for introduction tonight (7/17) and a public hearing and final consideration on August 7th. Meetings are at 7:30pm and are held at the police and court building on Springfield Avenue (during the summer). 

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