Thursday, March 14, 2013


PATCH has a good update on the Fred Profeta park proposal:

Profeta first presented the idea at a January Township Committee meeting, offering to pay $20,000 of the costs of designing and building the park in a small wooded area behind Jefferson School.
However, after hearing of some concerns from neighbors in the area, Profeta agreed to meet with a group of residents of Brook Lane, Beach Place, Brookside Drive, and Durand Road on March 3 to gather input. As a result, Profeta said he had made some changes and alterations to his proposal.

Parts of the plan that would remain include the removal of invasive species and addition of native species of plantings, and resurfacing the existing path -- both of which Profeta told neighbors were conditions of his donation.

What's out? Benches (neighbors said they would encourage loitering teens), the concept of adding "light recreation" to the space, and the originally proposed name of 'Brook Park.'

Hear our podcast interview with Profeta on the planning HERE

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