After postponing trick-or-treating in Maplewood to Friday this week, Mayor Vic De Luca has again changed it to Monday, following the announcement by Gov. Chris Christie earlier today that it would be changed to Monday statewide.
So send the kids out and get the candy ready for Nov. 5.
Hopefully we will have power back before then.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
"I am even more disappointed” than before at PSE&G’s most recent estimates of when power will be restored to Maplewood Township, said Mayor Vic DeLuca.
DeLuca’s gloomy assessment came Wednesday afternoon, after a regional conference call with the power company.
“They have not yet released a timetable for residential restoration,” said DeLuca.
There are roughly 9,000 customers without power in Maplewood. PSE&G has been telling customers in Essex County to expect that it will take another seven to ten days to restore residential power.
“We are cautiously optimistic that it will be shorter than that,” said DeLuca. He said while he understands that the utility company has to restore electrical substations, and then transmission lines, before beginning to restore residences, “we just don’t think it’s happening fast enough.”
"I am even more disappointed” than before at PSE&G’s most recent estimates of when power will be restored to Maplewood Township, said Mayor Vic DeLuca.
DeLuca’s gloomy assessment came Wednesday afternoon, after a regional conference call with the power company.
“They have not yet released a timetable for residential restoration,” said DeLuca.
There are roughly 9,000 customers without power in Maplewood. PSE&G has been telling customers in Essex County to expect that it will take another seven to ten days to restore residential power.
“We are cautiously optimistic that it will be shorter than that,” said DeLuca. He said while he understands that the utility company has to restore electrical substations, and then transmission lines, before beginning to restore residences, “we just don’t think it’s happening fast enough.”
This just in from the SO-Maplewood School District:
SOMSD schools and offices will be closed on Thursday November 1 and Friday November 2
The South Orange-Maplewood School District schools and offices will be closed on Thursday November 1 and Friday November 2 due to power outages and hazardous conditions resulting from Hurricane Sandy. Please spread the word, as many families are without power.
SOMSD schools and offices will be closed on Thursday November 1 and Friday November 2
The South Orange-Maplewood School District schools and offices will be closed on Thursday November 1 and Friday November 2 due to power outages and hazardous conditions resulting from Hurricane Sandy. Please spread the word, as many families are without power.
PATCH reports:
Maplewood's Police and Fire Chiefs, as well as the heads of the Department of Public Works and Health, are recommending that South Orange/Maplewood schools should not reopen on Thursday, according to Maplewood Mayor Vic DeLuca.
Superintendent Brian Osborne tweeted a notice on Tuesday night reporting, "Only minor damage to SOMSD schools. Hoping any school with power on opens on Thursday."
"Our emergency management team doesn't feel we are able to have students get to school safely," said DeLuca on Wednesday afternoon at Town Hall, "whether or not the schools themselves have power."
Although the township has cleared many streets of downed trees, many trees with power lines and wires on them remain in streets. The township needs authorization from PSE&G before they can clear those trees, said DeLuca.
DeLuca said that Maplewood Middle School, Jefferson School and Columbia High School have power; Seth Boyden and Tuscan do not. He said that as far as he knew, the only school in South Orange to not have power is South Mountain Annex.
Maplewood's Police and Fire Chiefs, as well as the heads of the Department of Public Works and Health, are recommending that South Orange/Maplewood schools should not reopen on Thursday, according to Maplewood Mayor Vic DeLuca.
Superintendent Brian Osborne tweeted a notice on Tuesday night reporting, "Only minor damage to SOMSD schools. Hoping any school with power on opens on Thursday."
"Our emergency management team doesn't feel we are able to have students get to school safely," said DeLuca on Wednesday afternoon at Town Hall, "whether or not the schools themselves have power."
Although the township has cleared many streets of downed trees, many trees with power lines and wires on them remain in streets. The township needs authorization from PSE&G before they can clear those trees, said DeLuca.
DeLuca said that Maplewood Middle School, Jefferson School and Columbia High School have power; Seth Boyden and Tuscan do not. He said that as far as he knew, the only school in South Orange to not have power is South Mountain Annex.
News reports indicate 30% of PSE&G customers are back in power, including most of Newark, but the official PSE&G progress report does not give much hope.
From its website:
This is not your average storm.
Hurricane Sandy has caused unprecedented damage, twice as much damage as Hurricane Irene. Many of our facilities were flooded by coastal surges, water-logging our equipment and making our stations and facilities difficult to access.
The amount of time it will take to begin working on a specific job may not be known, especially until a full assessment of the damage is done. Accordingly, at some point in a storm, we begin using a ‘Storm ETR’, or ‘Global ETR’. This is an estimate of when all customers in our territory are expected to be restored.
Once the full extent of the damage is known, the ETR may be changed. Customers who have requested a callback will be notified if the ETR changes by more than 2 hours in either direction. Those customers will also be notified when our system indicates their power has been restored.
Because there could be additional damage affecting a customer’s service it’s critical that customers call back and let us know if they are still without power.
Our call centers are fully staffed, 24/7 and safely repairing storm damage and restoring power is our number one priority. Call us at 800-436-PSEG (7734)
From its website:
Why is everyone being told power won’t be back until November 5th?
Under normal circumstances we know how long it takes to respond to reports of problems and restore service. Our experience and the information you give us goes into our system, and it generates an Expected Time of Restoration (ETR.) These ETRs are quite accurate during moderate-sized storms.This is not your average storm.
Hurricane Sandy has caused unprecedented damage, twice as much damage as Hurricane Irene. Many of our facilities were flooded by coastal surges, water-logging our equipment and making our stations and facilities difficult to access.
The amount of time it will take to begin working on a specific job may not be known, especially until a full assessment of the damage is done. Accordingly, at some point in a storm, we begin using a ‘Storm ETR’, or ‘Global ETR’. This is an estimate of when all customers in our territory are expected to be restored.
Once the full extent of the damage is known, the ETR may be changed. Customers who have requested a callback will be notified if the ETR changes by more than 2 hours in either direction. Those customers will also be notified when our system indicates their power has been restored.
Because there could be additional damage affecting a customer’s service it’s critical that customers call back and let us know if they are still without power.
Our call centers are fully staffed, 24/7 and safely repairing storm damage and restoring power is our number one priority. Call us at 800-436-PSEG (7734)
From Brian Osborne's Twitter feed:
Brian Osborne @SOMSDsuper
Brian Osborne
SOMSD monitoring power restoration & cleanup
efforts. Only minor damage to SOMSD schools. Hoping any school with
power on opens on Thursday.
This from the township
Garbage Collection In Maplewood Suspended
Waste Management and Waste Industries suspend collection in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy
Waste Management will not be collecting garbage
on Monday 10/29, Tuesday 10/30 and Wednesday 10/31. They will "most
likely" look at double day recover on Thursday and Friday November 1 and
Remember, it is Halloween, but township officials have asked to postpone trick or treating until Friday. Good idea.
Also, no school, NJ Transit or jitney today. But the main library is open for powering up.
PSE&G indicates some progress, claiming 30% of its customers are back on power. Let's hope we are next.
Also, no school, NJ Transit or jitney today. But the main library is open for powering up.
PSE&G indicates some progress, claiming 30% of its customers are back on power. Let's hope we are next.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
This in from the school district today:
The South Orange-Maplewood School District schools and offices will be closed on
Wednesday October 31 due to power outages and hazardous conditions resulting
from Hurricane Sandy. Please spread the word, as many families are without
power. Please note that district servers are shut down and emails to addresses may be lost.
Township officials today postponed Halloween trick-or-treating to Friday, Nov.2, asking residents to wait until then to ensure safety.
In a morning press conference, Mayor Vic De Luca and other officials also stated the main library and town hall would be available for those who wish to power up electronic devices.
In addition, the De hart Center remains open as a shelter through tomorrow, where 50 to 60 people stayed last night.
Some 861 emergency calls were responded to since the storm hit according to police and fire, who urged residents to stay off the roads and said the parks remain closed.
The mayor had no estimate on power being returned, but noted most of Maplewood Village has power.
In a morning press conference, Mayor Vic De Luca and other officials also stated the main library and town hall would be available for those who wish to power up electronic devices.
In addition, the De hart Center remains open as a shelter through tomorrow, where 50 to 60 people stayed last night.
Some 861 emergency calls were responded to since the storm hit according to police and fire, who urged residents to stay off the roads and said the parks remain closed.
The mayor had no estimate on power being returned, but noted most of Maplewood Village has power.
Hope everyone is okay, we had the worst storm night ever in 12 years here.
Scanner had one tree down or wire down or tree on a house or car after another, but kudos to the dispatchers and police for sounding extremely professional.
Also reported that 25 cots set up at the De Hart shelter were not enough for the 40 people there as of last night. Police had been reaching out to county officials for more beds.
Best to stay indoors as crews need to get around. Call PSE&G, but a long wait is likely.
Still no school, no NJ Transit or jitney today.
Scanner had one tree down or wire down or tree on a house or car after another, but kudos to the dispatchers and police for sounding extremely professional.
Also reported that 25 cots set up at the De Hart shelter were not enough for the 40 people there as of last night. Police had been reaching out to county officials for more beds.
Best to stay indoors as crews need to get around. Call PSE&G, but a long wait is likely.
Still no school, no NJ Transit or jitney today.
Monday, October 29, 2012
We lost power on College Hill. Scanner indicates lots of police calls, down trees and wires, stay safe.
The PSE&G power outage map indicates between 2,001 and 5,000 customers in town are without power, but offers nothing more specific.
If you are one of them, call in to PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734.
If you are one of them, call in to PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734.
Township officials updated residents with another press event at 4 p.m. today.
Mayor Vic De Luca and others reminded residents that the De Hart Center shelter is open and not to park on public streets.
They also revealed numerous streets closed due to down trees and wires, and at least one tree has struck a house.
The township also issued this reminder on phone numbers available:
Hurricane Sandy - Important Phone Number
Mayor Vic De Luca and others reminded residents that the De Hart Center shelter is open and not to park on public streets.
They also revealed numerous streets closed due to down trees and wires, and at least one tree has struck a house.
The township also issued this reminder on phone numbers available:
Hurricane Sandy - Important Phone Number
Important phone numbers to remember:
PSE&G: 1-800-436-7734 - To report power outages
Life Hazards: 911 - Emergency situations only
Down Wires: 911 (assumes wires are live)
Police Non Emergency: 973-762-3400
PSE&G: 1-800-436-7734 - To report power outages
Life Hazards: 911 - Emergency situations only
Down Wires: 911 (assumes wires are live)
Police Non Emergency: 973-762-3400
These notices from the Essex County site
Essex County Offices to Close
Because of Hurricane Sandy, all Essex County offices, buildings and facilities will be closed on Monday, October 29. All employees who work in Sheriff's Office, Hospital Center, Correctional Facility, Juvenile Detention Center or other essential positions will report.
Hurricane Sandy
Essex County Codey Arena will be open as a relief center during the storm beginning Sunday, October 27 @ 7 pm. Accommodations for pets are available. All regularly scheduled Arena activities have been cancelled on Monday, Oct. 29 & Tuesday, Oct. 30. In addition, Turtle Back Zoo is closed on those days.
PSE&G website indicates between 501 and 2000 customers in Maplewood without power, but no other specifics.
This from the NJ Transit Twitter feed:
All NJ Transit service will remain suspended for Tuesday, 10/30/2012.
Retweeted by
...Scanner indicates a power line is on fire along Wyoming near Roosevelt Road...Tree leaning toward falling, stay clear of that area...Residents evacuated from affected home...
This just received from the school district, also got the robo call.
SOMSD Schools and Offices Closed Tuesday October 30
South Orange Maplewood schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday, October 30 due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings are canceled. District servers are being shut down as a precaution against equipment damage due to power surges. Emails sent to addresses during this time may be lost.
SOMSD Schools and Offices Closed Tuesday October 30
South Orange Maplewood schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday, October 30 due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings are canceled. District servers are being shut down as a precaution against equipment damage due to power surges. Emails sent to addresses during this time may be lost.
Mayor Vic De Luca said this is a time for the community to "come together" during a press conference this morning at town hall, in which he announced that De Hart Community Center is open as a shelter with cots and food and electric outlets to power up your electronic devices.
The mayor, police and fire chiefs also noted that all town parks are closed and urged residents not to park on the street. DPW chief Eric Burbank urged residents to stock up on water and not touch downed power lines, even if they do not look dangerous.
De Hart has a back-up generator, but not town hall.
The mayor plans another storm update at 4 p.m. today. Watch again on Comcast channel 35.
See video of the event below and more information on storm related needs at the township website HERE.
The mayor, police and fire chiefs also noted that all town parks are closed and urged residents not to park on the street. DPW chief Eric Burbank urged residents to stock up on water and not touch downed power lines, even if they do not look dangerous.
De Hart has a back-up generator, but not town hall.
The mayor plans another storm update at 4 p.m. today. Watch again on Comcast channel 35.
See video of the event below and more information on storm related needs at the township website HERE.
This from the township...
Mayor De Luca and the Maplewood Office of Emergency Management opened its emergency shelter at effective 10:00 AM today. The shelter is housed at the DeHart Community Center in DeHart Park, 120 Burnett Road, Maplewood.
Mayor De Luca and the Maplewood Office of Emergency Management opened its emergency shelter at effective 10:00 AM today. The shelter is housed at the DeHart Community Center in DeHart Park, 120 Burnett Road, Maplewood.
Anyone who wants or needs shelter due to the impending arrival of Hurricane Sandy should consider going to stay with family or friends first but, should this not be an option the shelter is available to them and their pets.
Health Officer Robert Roe is in charge of opening and maintaining the shelter requests that anyone seeking shelter at the Township’s facility come prepared with several days worth of their medication along with an overnight bag and pillow. At this time the shelter has 20 cots and blankets available. Also, if you pet needs medication bring that along with you as well as your pet’s food. There are no showers available at the shelter.
Shelter users will need to provide their name, address and an emergency contact number when signing in. END
King's said it will remain open until 10 p.m., but should get there quickly in case it loses power.
Images below indicate many expecting the worst.
The following is from an email sent Sunday night by Rene Conlon of the Maplewood Chamber of Commerce.
We have postponed the Halloween Parade in Maplewood Village to Friday, November 2, 3 –5 pm due to the pending storm.We do not want to drain township resources during clean up on Wednesday.More details will be announced at the Township press conference tomorrow morning at 10 am. The meeting will be aired on Comcast channel 35 and FIOS channel 22.
This reminder from the township:
Mayor Victor DeLuca and members of the Township Committee along with Department Heads to Report on Storm Preparation.
Mayor De Luca and members of the Township Committee will hold a live press conference starting at 10AM today in the main meeting room at town hall, 574 Valley Street. The Mayor will address the township live on Comcast Channel 35 and FIOS Channel 24 on the status of the Township's Hurricane Sandy preparation.
Police Chief Robert Cimino, Fire Chief Joseph Richardella and Public Works Director will address the public on preparation plans and any concerns or recommendations the want the public to know. Please tune in today at 10:00 AM.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
NightOct 28

Showers / Wind
- Chance of Rain:
- 60%
- Wind:
- NNE at 28 mph
- Humidity:
- 78%
- UV Index:
- 0 - Low
- Snowfall:
- 0 in
- Sunset:
- 5:58 pm
- Moonphase:
- Waxing Gibbous
- Past 24-hr Precip:
- 0.02 in (est.)
- Past 24-hr Snow:
- 0 in
Rain showers along with windy conditions. Low 53F. Winds NNE at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
Community Resources
Immediate Assistance:
American Red CrossThe Red Cross provides immediate emergency assistance to people affected by disaster, such as; shelter, food and water, health and mental health services to address basic human needs.
To locate your local Red Cross Chapter, go to
To locate your local Red Cross Chapter, go to
Federal Government Disaster AssistanceThe Federal Government has set up a website that allows people to apply online for disaster assistance.
Information and ReferralCall 2-1-1 by simply dialing 2-1-1 from any phone to learn about your local community resources or visit:
Disaster Mental Health HotlineCrisis counselors will provide outreach and education services about coping with the emotional difficulties in the aftermath of emergencies such as these call the New JerseyMentalHealthCares’ Disaster Mental Health Helpline (877) 294-HELP (4357) where experienced crisis counselors can be reached. A TTY line is available at (877) 294-4356. Translation services are available, as well.
NJ HELPSFor complete information on all state social services and on-line applications please visit
Veterans Benefits1-800-827-1000 TTY 1-800-829-4833
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Or online at
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Or online at
Help with Your PSE&G BillPrograms are available to help our customers with their utility bills.
The Universal Service Fund (USF) 1-800-510-3102
- Helps make low income customer bills more affordable with a $5 to $150 monthly credit. USF uses the same application as LIHEAP.
NJ SHARES 1-866-NJSHARES (657-4273)
- Helps moderate income customers not eligible for low income programs with up to $1000 toward their PSE&G bill.
NJ Lifeline 1-800-792-9745
- Helps income eligible seniors and disabled adults with an annual utility credit of $225.
TRUE GRANT 1-855-465-8783
- Helps customers not eligible for low income programs with up to $1500 toward their PSE&G bill.
Salvation Army Red Shield 1-888-302-6100
- Helps military personnel and their families with utility bills.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 1-800-510-3102
- Helps with winter heating and medically necessary cooling. Program opens November 1st to April 30th.
Visit and refer customers to or (Spanish) for more information.
Document Replacement:
NJ Department of Vital Statistics609-292-4087
Can replace marriage, birth, and death certificates.
Mail Address:
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration
P.O. Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
Can replace marriage, birth, and death certificates.
Mail Address:
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration
P.O. Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
NJ Drivers License or IDMust meet NJ Documentation requirements. Visit to download forms for new registration or driver’s license.
New or Replacement Social Security CardFor information about changing mailing addresses, obtaining a new card, direct deposit, or locating the nearest Social Security office, call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m./ Monday through Friday or go online at
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)Storm victims who already receive SSI and SSDI should contact the Social Security Administration directly at 1-800-772-1213 to learn how checks may be reissued, cards replaced or to report a change in address.
Preserving Wet DocumentsTo preserve family treasures, review this informational link at the National
Change of AddressA change of address form is available online at or at any U.S. Postal Service location. Please be sure when you find permanent housing that your address is current and that FEMA has also been notified if you are expecting assistance.
Consumer Assistance:
NJ Consumers Affairs1-800-242-5846
If you believe you have been the victim of a fraud, or if you want to find out how to avoid fraud when making purchases and paying for services, contact the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs by telephone at (973) 504-6200 or (800) 242-5846 (toll free, New Jersey only); or
e-mail:; or by mail at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102.
If you believe you have been the victim of a fraud, or if you want to find out how to avoid fraud when making purchases and paying for services, contact the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs by telephone at (973) 504-6200 or (800) 242-5846 (toll free, New Jersey only); or
e-mail:; or by mail at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102.
Legal Services1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529)
Legal Services of New Jersey can assist with civil legal services for low-income people including, housing, family, consumer, public entitlements, education, employment, and health care access. Please visit
Legal Services of New Jersey can assist with civil legal services for low-income people including, housing, family, consumer, public entitlements, education, employment, and health care access. Please visit
Your Rights as a Renter
Rent Abatement and Security DepositsIf you are a tenant and you have been displaced as a result of the storm, you may be entitled to a return of part of the rent you paid if you are unable to live in your home during that period of time. You also may not have to pay your rent for the months after that if you are not able to go back into your apartment. Finally, if you are able to return to your apartment, but it is not completely habitable, you may not have to pay all the rent.
To learn more visit:
Rent Abatement and Security DepositsIf you are a tenant and you have been displaced as a result of the storm, you may be entitled to a return of part of the rent you paid if you are unable to live in your home during that period of time. You also may not have to pay your rent for the months after that if you are not able to go back into your apartment. Finally, if you are able to return to your apartment, but it is not completely habitable, you may not have to pay all the rent.
To learn more visit:
Your displacement due to this natural disaster, may also entitle you to have your security deposit returned quickly. A landlord must return your security deposit within five business days if:
- The displacement is cause by fire, flood, condemnation or evacuation; and
- An authorized public official posts the premises with a notice prohibiting occupancy, or
- A building inspector has certified within 48 hours that displacement is expected to continue longer than seven days and has so notified the owner in writing.
To learn more visit:
National Flood Insurance Program(Customer Service) 1-800-427-4661
(Existing Policies) 1-800-638-6620
(Existing Policies) 1-800-638-6620
Insurance Complaints and AssistanceNew Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance
Information 1-609-292-5360
Complaints 1-609-292-5316
To learn more go to
Information 1-609-292-5360
Complaints 1-609-292-5316
To learn more go to
Follow the latest Chris Christie Hurricane press update here
governorchrischristie on Broadcast Live Free
This email just arrived:
| ||||
This service station at Valley Street and Oakland Road shows the demand for fueling up before the storm on Sunday afternoon.
This from the township:
Maplewood Jitney Service both the morning and evening service is canceled tomorrow Monday 10/29/12 due to the cancellation of service by NJ Transit. Check our website ( for future updates.
We just got the call and saw this tweet from Superintendent Brian Osborne
SOMSD schools and offices closed on Monday October 29 due to emergency weather conditions.
PSE&G is advising residents that more than half of its customers could lose power for up to a week. Should they be allowed to put out such extremes so that they can claim they are doing everything?
Beware of such high estimates used to justify slow service. They could have done a lot more such as under-grounding wires and shoring up a lot of infrastructure. Instead they just raise rates.
Do what a lot of Con Ed customers did years ago and complain harshly if they fall down on the job. I know our public officials won't.
Beware of such high estimates used to justify slow service. They could have done a lot more such as under-grounding wires and shoring up a lot of infrastructure. Instead they just raise rates.
Do what a lot of Con Ed customers did years ago and complain harshly if they fall down on the job. I know our public officials won't.
PSE&G storm update – Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 4:30 p.m.
(October 27, 2012 – Newark, NJ) - -- Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) continues to monitor the track of Hurricane Sandy and is finalizing emergency preparations.
-- The massive “storm on steroids” as depicted by forecasters is expected to bring heavy rain, strong sustained winds and flooding to our service territory as early as late Sunday with the full brunt of the storm hitting the area Monday afternoon into Tuesday.
-- PSE&G is advising customers that based on the current forecasts, between 500,000 and 1 million of the utility’s 2.2 million electric customers could experience a power outage as a result of the damaging winds and heavy rain.
-- PSE&G crews will be ready to respond to outages as soon as the heavy winds subside and it is safe to work in bucket trucks and other equipment. Depending on conditions and the extent of damage, full restoration could take more than 7 days.
-- To aid in restoration, about 1,000 utility workers and contractors will begin arriving tomorrow from states that include Texas, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, Missouri and Quebec, Canada. PSE&G is working to secure additional resources that may be needed depending on the amount of damage and outages.
-- Crews work around the clock to repair equipment and restore power. The utility’s call center also will be fully staffed on a 24-hour basis to handle calls from customers. Other employees will assist with assessing storm damage, keeping the public away from any downed power lines and other functions that support restoration efforts
NJ TRANSIT to begin gradual suspension of service starting Sunday afternoon
NJ TRANSIT to begin gradual suspension of service starting Sunday afternoon

NJ TRANSIT to begin gradual suspension of service starting Sunday afternoon
NJ TRANSIT will implement a gradual system-wide shutdown of all bus, rail, light rail and Access Link service, starting at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 28 and continuing through 2 a.m. on Monday morning.
Service suspensions will take effect as follows:
Rail Service
- The Atlantic City Rail Line will be suspended effective at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 28, due to the rapidly declining weather conditions within the region and the continued evacuation of Atlantic City:
- Train 4678 will be the last train departing Atlantic City, leaving at 2:43 p.m. and arriving in Philadelphia at 4:19 p.m.
- Train 4677 will be the last Atlantic City-bound train departing Philadelphia, leaving at 1:43 p.m. and arriving in Atlantic City at 3:19 p.m.
- Train 4679 will be the last train departing Philadelphia, leaving at 2:38 p.m. and terminating in Absecon at 4 p.m.
- All other rail lines will be suspended starting this afternoon and continuing into the late evening. Final train times are as follows:
Northeast Corridor
- Train 7876 will be the last train departing Trenton, leaving at 10:59 p.m. and arriving New York at 12:30 a.m.
- Train 7885 will be the last train departing New York, leaving at 11:14 p.m., and arriving in Trenton at 12:44 a.m.
North Jersey Coast Line
o Train 4772 will be the last train departing Bay Head, leaving at 9:21 p.m. and arriving in Long Branch at 10 p.m.
o Train 7272 will be the last train departing Long Branch, leaving at 10:06 p.m. and arriving New York at 11:42 p.m. (Secaucus 11:29 p.m.)
o Train 7285 will be the last train departing New York, leaving at 11:07 p.m. and arriving in Long Branch at 12:43 a.m. (Secaucus 11:16 p.m.)
o Train 4785 will be the last train departing Long Branch, leaving at 12:46 a.m. and arriving Bay Head at 1:28 a.m.
Raritan Valley Line
o Train 5538 will be the last train departing Raritan, leaving at 8:16 p.m. and arriving in Newark Penn Station at 11:15 p.m.
o Train 5543 will be the last train departing Newark Penn Station, leaving at 11:38 p.m. and arriving in Raritan at 12:44 a.m.
Morris & Essex Lines
o Train 742 will be the last train departing Gladstone, leaving at 9:52 p.m. and arriving at Summit 10:36 p.m. and connecting with Train 6942
o Train 6942 will be the last train departing Dover, leaving at 10:06 p.m. and arriving in New York at 11:39 p.m.
o Train 6945 will be the last train departing New York, leaving at 11:11 p.m. and arriving in Dover at 12:54 a.m. (Connecting trains at Newark Broad Street for Montclair Branch Train 545, and Summit for Gladstone Train 745.)
o Train 745 will be the last train departing Summit, leaving at 12:14 a.m. and arriving in Gladstone at 12:58 a.m.
Montclair-Boonton Line
o Train 538 will be the last train departing Bay Street Montclair, leaving at 9 p.m. and arriving in Hoboken at 9:38 p.m.
o Train 545 will be the last train departing Hoboken, leaving at 11:08 p.m. and arriving in Bay Street Montclair at 11:45 p.m.
Main Line
o Train 1732 will be the last train departing Suffern, leaving at 9:10 p.m. and arriving Hoboken 9:19 p.m.
o Train 1739 will be the last train departing Hoboken, leaving at 11:33 p.m. and arriving Suffern at 12:42 a.m.
Bergen County Line
o Train 1786 will be the last train departing Suffern, leaving at 11:56 p.m. and arriving at Hoboken at 1 a.m. (Note: There is no Secaucus connection.)
o Train 1787 will be the last train departing Hoboken, leaving at 10:30 p.m. and arriving Suffern at 11:36 p.m.
Port Jervis Line
o Train 80 will be the last train departing Port Jervis, leaving at 5:27 p.m. and arriving in Hoboken at 7:38 p.m.
o Train 79 will be the last train departing Hoboken, leaving at 6:15 p.m. and arriving at Port Jervis at 8:23 p.m. (Note: Customers connecting at Secaucus must use Train 7265, departing New York Penn Station at 6:07 p.m. and arriving at Secaucus at 6:16 p.m. to make the Port Jervis connection.)
Pascack Valley Line
o Train 2126 will be the last train departing Spring Valley, leaving at 8:10 p.m. and arriving at Hoboken 9:20 p.m.
o Train 2133 will be the last train departing Hoboken, leaving at 11:22 p.m. and arriving at Spring Valley at 12:32 a.m.
- Indoor waiting rooms at major rail hubs such as Newark Penn Station, Secaucus Junction and Trenton Transit Center will remain open to provide customers with shelter during the storm.
Bus Service:
- All NJ TRANSIT bus service to and from Atlantic City will be suspended at midnight.
- All other NJ TRANSIT bus service will be suspended effective 2 a.m. Monday, October 29, 2012.
- NJ TRANSIT buses that are already en route at 2 a.m. will complete their trips.
Light Rail Service:
- Hudson-Bergen, River Line and Newark light rail services will be suspended effective 2 a.m. Monday, October 29, 2012.
- Light rail services that are already en route at 2 a.m. will complete their trips.
Access Link Service:
- All Access Link Service to and from Atlantic City will be suspended after 4:00 p.m. this afternoon.
- All other Access Link service will be suspended effective 2 a.m. Monday, October 29, 2012.
System-wide Cross-Honoring
- System-wide cross-honoring of all rail, bus and light rail tickets will be in effect starting at Monday, 12:00 a.m. and continuing through Wednesday, 6 a.m. This will allow customers holding NJ TRANSIT tickets to use alternate means of transportation to get to their final destination, such as PATH, PATCO and private bus carriers. Due to the duration of the storm and the potential impact to the NJ TRANSIT system, this timeframe could be extended if necessary.
Following the conclusion of the storm, NJ TRANSIT will assess the status of the system and test critical infrastructure before making any decisions regarding the potential resumption of service.
Service Updates
For the latest travel information, customers should listen to broadcast traffic reports, visit or access NJ TRANSIT’s Twitter feed at @NJ_TRANSIT. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will provide the most current service information via the My Transit alert system (, which delivers travel advisories for your specific trip to your cell phone, PDA or pager. Service information is also available by calling (973) 275-5555.
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