Dear CHS Families: 
Columbia High School has always supported and promoted students in exploring varied interests in addition to meeting their graduation requirements.  CHS’s standard practice of scheduling students for 7 courses gives students 35 credits per year (7 classes and a lunch period) for a total of 140 credits during their CHS career. This ensures they not only meet but surpass the state graduation requirement of 120 credits.  Every year, some of our students take more than the standard 35 credits/7 classes in order to pursue their personal passions or fit requirements into their schedule. 
We are working on developing a bell schedule for 2016-2017 that will accommodate student needs, staffing and facilities realities.  As in prior years, we will do our best to accommodate additional course requests, where possible, given availability.  
 9th grade students will begin to meet with counselors during the week of April 4 (not this week as previously scheduled) to begin their scheduling process.   10th and 11th graders will schedule as previously indicated, with 10th graders visiting counselors starting Monday, 3/21 and 11th graders starting on 3/28.  Please continue to use the course selection worksheet your students received at their grade-level  scheduling meeting last week and to use our course catalog to learn more about the opportunities at CHS for your students during their four-year career with us. 
 Please contact your child’s counselor directly with questions about course selection.
 Your student’s suggested academic placement for next year is viewable in PowerSchool. These suggestions were made by your child’s current teachers, based on current academic performance.  AP, Advanced and Audition-Only courses are not yet loaded into Powerschool.  Course requests from students in those classes will be revised  with that information.  As a reminder, the Access and Equity Policy ensures that students have choice in their academic placement.  Students who would like to exercise that choice should discuss their preferred placement with their counselor.
 Our course catalog is here.
 Should you need assistance with your PowerSchool login, please contact Ms. Voorhees
Thank you for your support of our work at Columbia,
    Dr. Jennifer L. Giordano

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