Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Gov. Chris Christie, who bullies more people than anyone, seems like he can't take it, whining to The Star-Ledger about the cover picture of him on Time magazine this week.

The Star-Ledger reports:

Gov. Chris Christie has the distinction of being on the cover of Time Magazine this week, but he's not happy with the way it turned out.
Christie, whose mother was Italian-American, this morning suggested the magazine's cover makes him like a mob boss.
“I’m reporting Time Magazine to the, like anti-Italian defamation league. I mean, look at that thing. It says ‘boss’ underneath. I mean come on,” Christie said on the radio and television program “Imus in the Morning.” “I can’t wait for that thing to come home for my kids to see it.”

Hey governor, shut up and do your job.

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