Friday, April 25, 2014


So get ready for what may be the most useless day in the school year, today's make-up day for too many snow days used earlier this school year.

As you likely know, the school district schedules three snow days in to the annual school calendar. But when more are used -- as they were this year due to so many snowstorms -- the extra days are made up during this week's spring break.

That means, as parents know, students who were off all week, and many who left town on planned vacations, will be required to attend school today.

Past history indicates between 30% and $40 of both students and teachers will likely not attend.

This is not the district's fault completely, it is due to state law that does not allow the last day of school to be changed if it would impact the number of days between the last day and high school graduation. Since the Columbia High School graduation held at Essex County College is set in place for June 25, it also cannot be changed.

Superintendent Brian Osborne confirmed to us also that it does not matter how many students attend today, it will still count as a full day for the district, even if many students are absent.

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