Monday, April 21, 2014


So we decide to auction off two tickets to the Columbia High School prom in June, a $160 value on us. The event looks like a great party at the wonderful Westmount Country Club in Woodland Park.

A way to offer something to two students who might have better things to spend their money on - like tuition, books, clothes, etc. But when we reached out to the school district, we got a polite "no."
This email from the district:

 Thank you for the offer.  Unfortunately, this is not a promotion which we can participate in, nor approve.
We then offered to just pay for the tickets and not require the students to utilize our website and let the school distribute them. This was the response:
Yes, it would be problematic.  This is a school function, and tickets are only sold directly to seniors by the school itself.

Thanks again for your interest, though!

Sorry folks, we tried.

Incidently, it is interesting to find that they allow students to pay in installments, indicating it is a hefty cost. But if you owe any money or fines, or have any poor behavior, you are excluded

From the CHS site

You can pay for the Prom during (4) payment periods.  You may pay in installments or the entire amount at once. Sales are after school at 3:15pm in the CHS cafeteria on the following dates:

1st Payment…March 5-6th                  3rd Payment… April 16-17th
2nd Payment… March 19-20th            4th Payment… May 21-22nd
Cash Only Please!  You must have a school ID to purchase Prom tickets!


Students are reminded that excessive tardiness, cuts, missed detentions, excessive disciplinary referrals and certain behaviors will cause you to lose your prom privilege.  Also, all school fines must be paid prior to the prom (including library, cafeteria charges, office arrearages, book fines, etc.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classist fools!