Thursday, July 17, 2014


As readers of our site know, we monitor the township police and fire scanners regularly and find nothing but professional and immediate response to all calls, ranging from dangerous situations to low-level concerns. Every call is handled with care and quick response

So it was with some surprise that we heard an officer on Wednesday afternoon sound somewhat unconcerned when a resident called in with a request to check a suspicious package left on a baseball field at Maplecrest Park.

The package appeared to be a first aid kit, but the resident apparently wasn't sure.

When the dispatcher put word out to the unidentified officer, his response was along the lines of surprise if the package turned out to be suspicious and even annoyance at having to respond.

A notice on the Township website detailing crime prevention tips states clearly:  

"Report all suspicious activity in your neighborhood immediately to the Maplewood Police via 911."

At a time when residents are told again and again by police to report anything they find suspicious, this kind of attitude would seem to be unacceptable.