Hilton Branch ● All Ages ● Drop In Every Tuesday in February 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28 @ 12-8 pm Drop in and make a paper quilt square for our Gee’s Bend quilt! The
Quilts of Gee’s Bend are quilts created by a group of women who live or
have lived in the isolated African-American hamlet of Gee’s Bend,
Alabama. They are considered to be one of the most important
African-American visual and cultural contributions to the history of art
within the United States.
Hilton Branch – Every Tuesday 5:00-8:00 pm, Thursday 5:00-8:00 pm, and Saturday 10-1 pm. Patrons
can use Rhino 3D software to build a model, print an object on our 3D
printer or use our new color printer or laminator. There are also Snap
Circuits, Squishy Circuits, littleBits and SparkFun kits for the kids.
Raspberry Pi single board computers are also available to learn more
about computer science. More information about the Create Space…
Get free one-on-one support for using your e-reader, tablet,
smartphone, or other electronic device. The clinics will take place
during the Create Space drop-in hours. Open to adults, teens and
Hilton Branch – Join us for a special program with Chef Jesse Jones,
as he demonstrates Mrs. Lewis’ famous She-Crab soup and Herb Hoe cakes. A
tasting will follow. For all ages.
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