Friday, January 29, 2016


Several Maplewood Middle School parents and students are upset that one of their most popular math teachers is being transferred to Columbia High School in the middle of the year, a move many say is disruptive to a very important accelerated math class.

The teacher, Julie Skrivanic, teaches three 6th grade math classes and an accelerated math class and has drawn support from many students and parents for her work. MMS principal Jerrill Adams informed parents last week that she would be transferred to Columbia to take a new position on Feb. 1.

He also indicated that a replacement had yet to be found.

See that notice below:

Sent: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 3:34 pm
January 21, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians:

I am writing to inform you that your child’s math teacher, Ms. Skrivanic, 
has accepted a new position at Columbia High School to teach Algebra 1 and Pre-Calculus. 
She will begin her new role on February 1st.

We have begun our search for a new teacher and will commence interviews immediately. 
Our plan is to have the position filled with a highly qualified teacher by February 5th at the latest.

The entire MMS administrative team is confident that cooperative planning with our veteran 
6th grade math teacher, Mr. Wackerman, will provide a smooth transition for the new teacher. 
The new teacher will also receive support from the K-8 Math Supervisor, Ms. Kim Beane, 
who facilitates faculty department meetings and professional development.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Together We Can,
Jerrill M. Adams, MS.Ed, M.A.

Several parents reacted with concern, including one who penned a letter to the district that stated, among other things:

“There are concerns, to be sure, as many of these students (and parents-including me) have worked very hard to meet the very specific demands made of these students and we would like to be assured that they will receive the same level of instruction that will prepare them to successfully continue on the Accelerated track (providing they chose to do so). While it is understandable that teachers can "shift" for numerous reasons it is notable that there will no doubt be an adjustment period for the students and parents and we should all be working together to ensure that this transition will be as smooth and successful as possible.”

We reached out to Adams to ask why this disruptive move was made. He responded via email: “That is a great question for CHS Principal, Ms. Elizabeth Aaron. In every career, people choose to pursue different opportunities.”

Asked why, Aaron responded via email: “We are thrilled that Ms. Krivanic’s career decisions are bringing her to CHS, and know that Mr. Adams is excited about his chance to bring on an equally talented teacher to his team at MMS. In SOMSD, our admin team works closely to be sure we make decisions that serve students K-12 and are confident all of our students are being served by any personnel changes at our schools.” 

Superintendent John Ramos and the district did not respond to requests for comment.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am always thrilled to hear about a teacher advancing their careers with new opportunities. Our teachers work hard and deserve to be noticed. BUT, I now have two children losing teachers (out of the blue) in the middle of the year. My Jefferson 4th grader just lost her teacher to Clinton and now my MMS 6th grade is losing her math teacher to CHS. Both kids asked why the kids benefiting from these great teachers are more important than they are. I do understand when there are emergencies, but in the case of Jefferson vs Clinton, this was a known retirement, not an emergency. The administrators couldn't have figured something out until the end of the year? Why can't CHS find a replacement until June and have Ms. Skrivanic start next year. I would like the administrators to tell my kids why they aren't "as important" as the kids who get to benefit from these great teachers. So far neither class has a replacement so we are in is that administrators "partnering" with parents to create a positive school environment. I am truly disappointing in our administration.