DAN BARRY, in conversation with Sarah Lester, and receiving the 2016 MAPLEWOOD LITERARY AWARD 2:00 pm at Main Library
Free and open to the public

author Colum McCann has written that "Dan Barry gives dignity even to
the darkest corners of the American experience. He is the closest thing
we have to a contemporary Steinbeck."
Dan Barry
is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and reporter for The New York
Times and the author of four books, including the forthcomingThe Boys in the Bunkhouse: Servitude and Salvation in the Heartland, set to be released in May.

is currently the "This Land" columnist for the Times, and has reported
extensively on many topics, including the World Trade Center disaster
and its aftermath and the damage to the Gulf Coast in the wake of
Hurricane Katrina. He has also been the City Hall bureau chief, the Long
Island bureau chief, a sportswriter, a general assignment reporter,
and, for three years, the "About New York" columnist - all for the
Barry has also written Pull Me Up: A Memoir; "City Lights: Stories About New York, a collection of his "About New York" columns; and Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game, which received the 2012 PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing.
in Jackson Heights, Queens, Barry grew up on Long Island and has lived
in Maplewood since 1999. He and his wife, Mary Trinity, have two
daughters, Nora and Grace.