During discussion of the Township capital budget at Tuesday's Township Committee meeting, some members said the fact that $60,000 is being included in the capital budget for some kiddie pool upgrade may mean another fee change is need to raise more future funds.
"We had to increase the fee to cover (the $1 million upgrades) and our sense was that we were bumping up against the maximum fees we could charge," Mayor Vic De Luca said. "But I think that should be revisited."
The last fee increase occurred in 2013 and brought the family rate above $400 per season.
"We are gong to be asking for a meeting with the pool advisory committee to discuss these kinds of issues," Township Administrator Joseph Manning said.
TC Member Marlon Brownlee said he is concerned the pool, which is supposed to be self-sufficient and receives no regular Township aid, may need more Township funding if fees stay the same.
"I want to encourage looking maybe at the fee structure, looking at something to have money for a rainy day or something," he said at the meeting. "There's going to be things that happen over time and if we're (funding it) here because it can't afford it it seems there is something out of balance there."
The current fees are below:
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