Thursday, July 9, 2015


The Township Committee this week moved a step forward in reshaping the future of Springfield Avenue and allowing the planned Wawa Market to be built near the Irvington city line with plans for two legislative moves that will alter how business can be conducted on the avenue.

The first would be a resolution to re-designate most of Springfield Avenue from Highway Business Zone to Pedestrian Retail. This would disallow certain future businesses along the avenue such as auto repair, new gas stations and more industrial shops and promote more retail shops. 

The second measure is an ordinance that creates a definition of a convenience store with a fueling station and makes it a permitted use in the highway business zone. This would also allow 24-hour sales at gas stations along Springfield Avenue outside of the new Pedestrian Retail Business zone. 

This would affect the two existing gas stations on Springfield Avenue -- the Union 76 and Sunoco -- as well as the new Wawa Market that is slated to have gasoline sales.

Both measures will be introduced and reviewed at the next TC meeting on July 21.

Some TC members, however, were concerned with the planned changes, noting worries about security in overnight hours and effects on neighbors.

See them below:

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