Wednesday, November 18, 2015


During most school board meetings, the student representative maintains a low profile.

Elected by students at Columbia High School, the representative does not have a vote, but has input. The last student rep, Maggie Kritzberg, and the current rep, Nina Kambili, have had their say and do well to give the student's point of view.

But this past week, with Kambili absent, alternate student representative Filip Saulean, took her place and made the most of it.

Saulean spoke up on several occasions, asking direct questions of Superintendent John Ramos and pointing out issues that he says students do not believe are being handled properly.

During a discussion at Monday's board meeting on the recent education summit, Saulean noted that many students were skeptical of its impact, offered critiques of how it was handled, and asked Ramos when progress will be seen. He also said plans for a student summit were in the works.

Listen below:

Later in the meeting, Saulean also addressed the concerns students have about racial issues and how leveling is deemed unfair for many students, as well as how lower-level classes are not as good as they should be.

Hear edited highlights of that below:

Bravo Filip!

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